Mr. Trump, tear down this wall!

Donald Trump’s popularity rises every time he talks about building a wall. His popularity has been rising the last couple of days. Anyone want to hazard a guess as to why?

Look, we’re not going to build a half a trillion-dollar wall and get Mexico to pay for it. We’re not going to deport eleven million people just because their green cards have expired.

This election will be determined by how many people are stirred by Trump’s nationalist message. (Yay!) All Hillary has to offer is a slow, steady, methodical approach to dealing with the reality of globalism. (Yawn.)

Is Trump a racist? That depends on your opinion of what makes someone a racist. Is Hillary untrustworthy? That depends on what your opinion of what makes someone untrustworthy.


Most republicans are going to vote for Trump even though they might not like him very much. Most democrats are going to vote for Hillary even though they might not like her very much.

Look, of the three branches of government, the executive branch has the least amount of power. The power to move the people in one way or another on a particular issue. That power is limited by Congress, and I don’t think Congress is ever going to approve the building of a half a trillion-dollar wall and getting Mexico to pay for it; and I don’t think Congress is ever going to approve of deporting eleven million people just because their green cards have expired.

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